Sunday, June 29, 2008


One Word Post.
The rules state very clearly here that ALL answers have to be ONE WORD. So, here goes.
1. Where is your cell phone? IDK *that is text type so I can keep it to one word. In fact if you were to call my cell phone my voice mail would say something like this "you have reached Stephanie's cell phone. It could be in the bottom of her purse or in the car somewhere, please leave a message.....)
Okay, way more than one word. I think I am a loser, already.
2. Your significant other? dependable
3. Your hair? highlighted
4. Your mother? Generous
5. Your father? Golfing
6. Your favorite thing? Crawford6
7. Your dream last night? Peaceful
8. Your favorite drink? SweetTea
9. Your dream/goal? Financial Freedom
10. The room you’re in? HearthRoom
11. Your church? Home
12. Your fear? my children falling away from the Lord
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
14. Where were you last night? Church
15. What you’re not? a size 2
16. Muffins? Doughnut (could be why!)
17. One of your wish list items? size 2.....Just Kidding. Pink Coach Purse
18. Where you grew up? Blue Springs
19. The last thing you did? Clean
20. What are you wearing? pink
21. Your TV? FoodNetwork (again.....)
22. Your pets? NOPE
23. Your computer? Laptop
24. Your life? BUSY
25. Your mood? Peaceful
26. Missing someone? Missy
27. Your car? FULL
28. Something you’re not wearing? make-up
29. Favorite store? Ny&Co
30. Your summer? Adventure (read old posts!)
31. Like(love) someone? Wednesday Morning Bible Study gals
32. Your favorite color? pink
33. Last time you laughed? today
34. Last time you cried? last night
35. Who will re-post this? IDK

Okay, so I cheated a little. You can take the girl out of the word but you cannot take the words out of the girl. Huh?
Oh well!
Happy Sunday!


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

this was so fun!!!
love your sense of humor!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Now I feel like I've known ya my whole life :) And so glad you're a "amount of words cheater" too :)

Happy Sunday to you :)

Anonymous said...

Great answers!