Friday, June 27, 2008

You'll never believe what the baby girl just said...

We had to wake her up from a late nap........never a good idea. We have ran like crazy people and swam like fishes today. So, Tatumn fell into a coma when we made it home....finally.
So, we woke her up so she would sleep tonight. Honestly, the last part is more for me than for her. I need to sleep tonight.
So, the cranky girl was laying on the couch trying to wake up and Tanner came up to her wanting to give her a kiss.
And she said this....
"Get out of my personal space."
It was more like this " Geeet oouutt of mmmyyyy personaaaaallll spaaaace."
Tanner, looked at me in sheer shock but smiled.
Because that was funny.
And Sassy.