Thursday, September 4, 2008

Okay, Mrs. Palin you now have my attention...

I have become a political junkie. I guess because I now consider myself a grown up, 4 kids will do that to you. I never used to care. I didn't see the need to educate myself on issues like taxes and the environment. In fact, and I am embarrassed to admit, in my first Presidential election I voted for Ross Perot. Somewhere between 1992 and 2008 a realization came to me that I needed to be aware what was going on in the political arena. And a conviction of my apathy was overwhelming. So, now I watch and listen. I am learning the lingo, which started out very basic. Like Republican and Democrat. Honestly, didn't know what or why there was a difference. Conservative and Liberal became more of my mantra. And as I have matured, I find myself leaning more to the right.

On Friday as we were driving to the lake we discussed this new candidate thrown into the Presidential Race. At first, I was shocked. I had heard her name tossed around but didn't really think a woman would be the choice. I am not a Woman Lib's kind of girl. I cherish being under my husband's umbrella of provision and protection. And I don't know how to change a tire, either. Both of those small facts about me would discount me from joining that group.

I have listened intently to any snippet of information about the Alaskan Governor. Trying to glean anything about our nominee for VP.

But it wasn't until I heard her speech last night that I feel like I heard her. And not about her. I like her. (I feel like Sally Field). She knows her stuff. She is strong but eloquent. A pit bull with lipstick. I liked that that, too. I loved the way she spoke of her family. The adoration she has for her husband was obvious and real. And her children are precious. Can you imagine starting on this road and in less than a week your oldest son deploys to Iraq? The littlest daughter is spunky and darling. Did you see her spit shine her baby brother's hair? I know they are not perfect, would we want them to be? I know I have learned some of greatest lessons from people who were real and honest with me about their mistakes and hard knocks.

I know, I would not have embraced my walk with Christ if I only saw perfection. If there was not an overflowing of grace and pardon waiting just for me, I am not sure where I would be today.

So, I sit here this morning praying for our country and it's leaders. November holds BIG change.

(I promise I will not turn this blog into political craziness. I just needed to vent a little)

1 comment:

Tina said...

I like her too. And I never thought I'd say that about a female candidate either.