In honor of my 35th birthday I thought I would list out 35 things about me that you may or may not know.
Yes, I am really 35.
I's half way to 70.
I am choosing to see the glass as half-full rather than it's been all fun and games and now I on the down hill decent from here.
1.I Love Jesus. I really do.
2. I adore my husband.
3. Married my high-school sweetheart.
4. #2 and #3 are one and the same. In case you had any doubts.
5. Enjoy being a mom to 4 amazing kids.
6. My boys love me as much as I love them. (they really do!)
7. My daughter is simply a "delight".
8. We adopted our daughter in August 2006 from Hunan, China.
9. Adoption changed us. More than I ever thought or imagined. It has become our heartbeat. (I mis-spelled heartbeat with heartbest but I think both are true. I like that. Heartbest.
10. I am a random-not organized-kinda creative-girl.
11. I love a clean kitchen.
12. I am a true book worm. Give me anything to read and I will. From the prescription papers on medication, Mitford, the First Born series, to the Word, I'm there.
13. I don't like to sweat. I wish I was a pretty sweat-er, I'm just not. Picture blotchy.
14. I do love to shop. And I am good at it. It's a gift. My dad once called me a black-belt shopper. One of my most favorite compliments, ever.
15. I am embarrassed to admit this but I have been known to curse like a sailor. My BIG TIME conviction came this year to give that up. And you know what, I have. Only to the Glory of God it is not even a temptation.
16. I struggle with personal insecurities every day.
17. I love to cook.
18. My most favorite color is Pink.
19. My favorite shoe is the flip-flop. From fancy & bedazzled to simple and plain. I heart the flip-flop.
20. I am a closet worship band singer. I can not carry a tune in a bucket but oh how I love to worship with everything I have. Arms in the air. A little bit of a dance going on. Eyes closed. (of course) Joyful noise.
21. I truly feel like we are supposed to adopt again.
22. I love fun and colorful serving dishes. Any and all kinds.
23. I love sweet tea. Although, I am currently on an unending fast of the drink. I miss you sweet tea. You are just not good for me.
24. I am a Fox News junkie.
25. I suffer from insomnia. It maybe directly related to #24.
26. I am a happy girl when I am surrounded by palm trees and sand. Just ask my husband.
27. I am not a numbers girl but I am in charge of our budget. Believe it or not, it works.
28. Sometimes I look around my life and am completely amazed that I am the wife and mom to this group. That God chose me.... amazes me.... humbles me..... and causes me to be a better me than the me I am.
29. I feel like God is calling my family to serve in Missions. I am not sure when, where, or how...but I feel it. Deep.
30. I am a horrible typer. Now, I wish I finished that keyboarding course in High School. True story, I told my guidance counselor that I would NEVER need that skill.
31. I can fall asleep in any movie. It must be something about finally sitting still in the dark for any amount of time. Obviously # 25 doesn't apply here. Ask my kids about the time we went to see Curious George. Embarrassing.
32. I am a finale kind of girl. Whether it be the final rose, world series, the election, anything I love seeing who wins! I got hooked on the NBA Finals when Tanner was a new born baby.
33. I truly have a liking for accessories. (I am tired of using the word love...but trust me the feeling is that strong) Necklaces and bracelets are my faves!
34. When I text, I don't use text talk. Like U for you, 2 for to, two, or too. I just can't. I also have been known to use the correct sentence ending.
35. Because I am now 35 , I have to go for my Base Line mammogram this year. That may be a little too much information for you but its the Truth.
happy Birthday to me!