Sunday, June 1, 2008


Taylor, this year above any other, you have grown so much. Physically, I am amazed at how much you have changed. Your foot is now way bigger than mine, we see eye-to-eye (literally), and your face is no longer youthful and round but reflects a chiseled jawline. I am so proud to your mom. Blessed that He chose you to be my first-born. And I ask again for your forgiveness as your dad and I learn this teenage thing alongside you. I am sorry that we will mess up more with you than we will with the others. I am not proud of my failures with parenting you but I have begged God to step in and cover it. I have not parented a teenager before so please offer grace, as well.
My prayer over your life is that you would follow TRUTH. All of your days. Jesus declared that He was the way, the Truth, and the Life. The world has pulled at you with it's lies and I pray that you would stand strong. The convictions that you once so boldly proclaimed I pray they will well up in you again. It is a foundation that is unshakable. The world has tried to lure you away with its lies and traps. And unfortunately it will continue to do so but one day you will be on your own and you will need to wrestle it out by yourself. I have asked God to never let go of you, ever. To hold on tight and lead you in His truth.
I know the promises God has whispered over your life and into my heart. Plans that are good and promising, Taylor. From that very first moment that I knew of your precious life, I firmly believe God's blessing has never been more tender to this mother's heart. It was your life, Taylor, that beckoned me to a faithful Father. Your life in all honesty saved mine. That is why I will not give up. Ever. I will continue to fight for you and cheer you on.
Remember, God wants to talk to you. He loves you with an everlasting love. Draw back on the times when you needed Him most and He answered you with His word. His Truth.
Follow it, baby.
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1 comment:

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Praying for yours and mine...that they won't be lured away by Satan's lies, but cling to Truth.